I (choose to) Love You!!!

Dating and Marriage Series

Love: is it a NOUN, or a VERB?  You choose.

Lynn G. Robbins, “Agency and Love in Marriage,” Ensign, Oct 2000, 16 – be sure to go to this one so you can see the nifty charity chart.  And while you’re there, read the whole thing!

And here’s the little sampler:

Ryan Carr, “At the Top of My List,” New Era, Oct. 2004, 48

So what’s on your list?  Share, comment, tell us what you want in a spouse …and no, this isn’t intended as a dating classifieds site 😀

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Chas Hathaway is the author of the books Scripture Study Made Awesome, Marriage is Ordained of God, but WHO Came Up with Dating? and Giraffe Tracks. Learn more at chashathaway.com. Please participate in the conversation by adding comments and sharing with friends on the web!

Gospel Living Made Awesome is not an official work of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If Chas says something stupid, it's his own fault.

4 thoughts on “I (choose to) Love You!!!

  1. Dear Chas and Jenni:
    Just found your site.
    Love the sound bite.
    I am a senior who has been married 46 years.
    No time today to write a decent comment, but you were pleading for response. Thus, a “quickie” one
    to encourage you.
    The talk:
    “Agency and Love in Marriage” is brillant and a super perfect contribution to your efforts.
    Definitely will write more at later date, as I have a very important question taken directly from “real Life”…my life dilimma…the answer to which I have not found a complete solution, even in the scriptures. Sometimes we have to just be patient and “wait upon the Lord”….that wait being a whole lot longer than we might wish.
    There is….and I know there is..answers to ALL of life’s problems and challenges in scriptures, prayer, revelation and the gospel doctrines.
    As Sherry Dew so perfectly said: “If life were easy it wouldn’t be hard”
    Thanks again for your intent and efforts for love and marriage.
    God Bless you both……..A sister in Christ.

  2. Hi Sharon! I’m glad you commented, even if it was only because we were begging for it. 46 years, wow! There’s probably a lot more we can learn from you than you can learn from us. I’m excited to hear your question, Chas and I will answer as best we can.


  3. This (I Choose to Love You) podcast was one of your finest! The answer to the trivia question in John the Baptist.

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